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. . Ship  USA . .
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Ship USA
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Ship USA

Prices will  vary to USA points, due to the distance from Calgary.  

Shipping to the USA has been an issue in the recent past. What I can offer, is personal delivery to the UPS Store in Eureka, Montana in the month of August and then shipping by UPS to your destination. I say August, as I have gone and will continue to go camping on Lake Koocanusa, Montana in the month of August.


Weathervane shipping to you will be aluminum weathervanes by Whitehall in Michigan, and copper weathervanes by  Good Directions in Connecticuit & Whitehall in Michigan. 

The crate being constructed for 66Super Estate and 69Super Estate 
 three assembly pieces for each of two cupolas

The crate loaded  for delivery to the trucking depot.
66Super Estate and 69Super Estate

 Destination - Pebble Beach, California

Calgary Cupola & Weathervane  
Handcrafted Cupolas from my workshop to your rooftop

Last updated:
  16 January 2017


Mark Soehner 
Calgary Cupola & Weathervane

96 Havenhurst Crescent SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada   T2V 3C5
(403) 630-0968 Cellular
(403) 259-5571 Workshop, house and voice mail

Links to other pages on the web site: 
Home Page  |  CupolasCupola Designer, Cupola Orders, Cupola Pricing, Email | Weathervanes  |  Weathervane Orders, Email | Inquiries | Photo Gallery & Samples | Cupola Construction | Ship Canada | Ship USA | FAQ | Cupola History | Jake the Dog  | Genealogy 
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Calgary Cupola & Weathervane - Handcrafted Cupolas from my workshop to your rooftop. © 1998 - 2017 Calgary Cupola & Weathervane